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Automatic Oil DeliveryWith our automatic degree day delivery system we calculate when you are going to need oil and deliver to you. Our state-of-the-art computer forecasting system generates delivery dates based on a unit called a degree day, tracks your usage and forecasts your next delivery based on temperature and burn rate data. You don’t have to worry about watching your tank gauge, the weather or calling us. We will be there to fill your tank before that cold front comes in and provide your family with the convenience and comfort of knowing you have a full service company watching out for you. As an automatic delivery customer you will enjoy significant benefits at Tuxis Ohr's. You are entitled to 30 day credit terms, auto pay, budget plan, and you will be eligible for one of our all inclusive service contracts, pending a heating unit check. In addition, Tuxis Ohr's is here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for emergency service. Factors that affect your usage, such as turning up the heat for a new baby or a college student returning home and using more hot water should be reported to us so we can adjust your usage. If you notice your tank level gauge at 1/4 for fuel oil please call for delivery.
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